Travis' Vineyard

2300 Hopewell Rd
Cleburne, Texas 76031
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The Grape

The grapes are "Favorite," which is a seedling of the Black Spanish (LeNoir) grape.  They are a small grape that produces a brilliant red juice with an almost black purple skin.  Each berry has four small seeds.  The juice measured an average of 20-25 brix last year, meaning that the grapes are very sweet.  These grapes are excellent for making grape juice, jellies and wine.


On a pick your own bases I will be selling grapes for $.75/Lb.  I have a Rondinella Motorized Crusher/De-Stemmer from the Wine Maker's Toy Store.  I would be glad to run your grapes through the machine.  Bring your own container to collect the fresh crush.

The grapes should be ready to pick by the last week of July.

 If you are interested in harvesting these grapes please contact me at the below e-mail address or call 817 558-8241.

This Page was last update 12 April 2024 by Travis Morris.

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